Thursday, 19 June 2014

PORCELAIN SANDWICHES - Museum Gardens / Treasure's House Images

Gary Bateson & Karen Thompson at Yorkshire Museum (Photo: Ian McKinley)

Spent the afternoon walking around the Museum Gardens with Yorkshire Museum Manager Gary Bateson, placing another batch of the porcelain sandwiches... From here I went onto the Treasure's House to meet with Visitor Services Manager Lisa Holden and place a few more in the gardens there.

I had a Lovely afternoon which followed on from my packed out artists talk at Kings Manor. Brilliant Day!

Lisa Holden & Karen Thompson at Treasure's House, York (Photo: Ian McKinley)

Thursday, 12 June 2014

PRESS - York Press 12/06/14

A piece on York Curiouser and my Porcelain Sandwiches in today's York Press...

PRESS - Northern Echo 12/06/14

A Full Page article in todays Northern Press. Steve Pratt interviewed me about my work for the forthcoming 'York Curiouser' which kicks off at the weekend...
Northern Echo 12/06/14

Read the article online here -

Friday, 6 June 2014

UPCOMING - York Curiouser Exhibition

York Curiouser kicks off next weekend. I'll be out and about on the morning of Saturday 14th placing the first batches of porcelain sandwiches. Some of the places they will be going are the Museums Gardens, The York Walls, Kings Manor and the Treasures House... I'm interested to see the response to them! Getting excited now....